The following COIL course was a collaboration between the Pontifica Universidad Javeriana from Bogota, Colombia, Universidad del Desarrollo from Chile and Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara from Mexico. The main objective was to integrate biological and chemical fundamentals of health, biochemical processes, nutrient metabolisms and its use by the human body. In that way, students were connected to field research and updated contents related to biomedicine and nutrition.
For this purpose, 14 groups were created between the three universities. Students worked collaboratively on a clinical case, which was build by faculty beforehand. This task required from students to develop and apply research skills, information search, communication, digital skills and integration. To achieve this, students were constantly supported by their professors. In order to access the virtual platform where this project took place, visit https://padlet.com/elabrindis/fhgno1a556r2hy7c